Help! iOS 11 Keeps Messing Up My Second Home Screen — zeiPAD
Help! iOS 11 Keeps Messing Up My Second Home Screen

Help! iOS 11 Keeps Messing Up My Second Home Screen


I love iOS 11 and all the updates and features it brought with it. But one thing keeps driving me crazy. When I install a new app it gets automatically placed on the first position (top left) on my second home screen. Sometimes even already installed apps end up in the same place after they got an update. 

Why does this bother me? Because my second home screen isn't a random selection of apps. I selected and placed each one very purposefully.

For instances, I have some of my most used apps on the bottom row of my second home screen. There I can reach them faster then I could on the first home screen in one of the top rows. 

Now, whenever a new or old app gets placed on my second home screen it messes up my layout and I have to fix it manually. 

If someone has a solution for this problem please help!

Update: Twitter to the rescue!

Guess I'm officially an app-messie now. Thanks guys!! Will clean up my iPhone now.

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