How To Activate The Secret Night Mode On Your Apple Watch — zeiPAD

How To Activate The Secret Night Mode On Your Apple Watch


It’s one of my oldest complaints about Apple Watch: It‘s just too bright at night.

I wear my Apple Watch 24/7. During the day the brightness on the lowest setting is more than enough for me. But at night when I want to check the time or set the alarm (Remember the Apple Watch is the best alarm clock I ever had.) it‘s just blindingly bright.  I‘ve been asking since the very first Apple Watch for a night mode or at least an option to dim the screen even further.

Whoever I asked about this feature always mentioned the option to turn the crown to activate the screen at a lower brightness level. But that was only half a solution to my problem. Whenever I touched the screen to say open the alarm clock app the watch went back to normal brightness. 

But last week I discovered something new: When you activate Theatre Mode and activate the screen by rotating the crown the brightness now stays low and doesn‘t go back to normal. 

I‘m not sure which version of watchOS added that feature. But I‘m more than happy to finally have a proper night mode for my Apple Watch. And who knows maybe watchOS 5 brings an automatic night mode... 

To show you how it works I made a little video: 

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