Astrophotography For A Beginner
On a recent trip to the south of Switzerland, I was so impressed by the view that I just had to take a picture of the night sky.
Since I had never done astrophotography before and I didn't feel like reading or watching any tutorials I just experimented with different settings on my Sony A7 III.
Afterwards, I adjusted the brightness and other parameters in the official photo app on the iPad a bit. Et voila:
F1.8 2s 55mm ISO1250
F2 2s 55mm ISO2500
Not bad.
The next evening I noticed that Jupiter was especially bright that night. So I took a few shots with my 85mm lens just for fun. To my surprise I later discovered that you could even see two Jupiter moons when you zoomed in a bit:
F1.4 2s 85mm ISO640 Crop
F1.4 1/2 85mm ISO640 Crop
Not bad either.
Back at home I found this tutorial and imported one of the RAW files into Lightroom. That's what I came up with:
The original RAW file: F2 55mm 2s ISO3200
The tutorial version
My final edit
Not bad, not bad at all.