Mega Panorama Mayhem — zeiPAD
Mega Panorama Mayhem

Mega Panorama Mayhem

While attending the podcast event of my Apfelfunk friends in Frankfurt I shot this panorama with my A7 out of the hotel window. Once again without a tripod.

Over the last weekend we were on a Swiss hill called Hirschberg. The panorama was amazing. The light wasn‘t. I still shot few panoramas. For training and to justify bringing the heavy tripod with me. If you want the big version of any of the panoramas let me know on Twitter.

Oh and while editing I found an unfinished panorama from last September. I finished and added that below.

One more thing…

Clouds And Fireworks

Clouds And Fireworks

Mega Panorama: Empire State Building

Mega Panorama: Empire State Building